Quantum Sleep: Tools of the Trade
Viva Rays: Blue blockers that are modular and changeable! This company designs Clip'N'go frames that can carry your prescription lens in the base frame and allow blue blocking clip-ons to be added when you need them!
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Lucia Eyes: Blue blockers for the whole family, especially children! This company has daytime and nighttime blueblockers for both adults and kids which can keep you looking fashionable.
USE discount code "Quantum20"
to save on your order!
Ra Optics: Simply the smartest custom blueblocking service out there! Get your prescription in daytime or nighttime blue blocking tints, with frames of your choice that will keep you as stylish as you are healthy.
USE discount code "QuantumSleep"
to save 10% on your order!
EMR-tek Red Lights: Red light therapy (Low Level Laser Therapy [LLLT] or Photobiomodulation [PBM] as it's also known) has many applications for health and wellness. EMR-tek produces low flicker, high quality red light panels. The Firewave is small and portable, perfect for those new to PBM. The Firestorm is a slightly larger form factor with higher power red lights for those who want faster therapy times. These devices have controls to shut off the brighter LED bulbs, allowing an additional benefit to provide illumination at night without any harmful blue frequencies.
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FlexBeam: Red light therapy that is portable and bends to your needs. Unlike other devices, FlexBeam is designed for the human body. Instad of blasting light froma distance, it works directly where it's needed, maximizing the targeted power of red and near-infrared light for optimal physiological effect. With this wearable, light therapy has never been so effective and easy to use.
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Sperti Vitamin D Sunlamp: Red light needs UV light to make it better! That's why nature never has UV light alone. The Sperti Vitamin D Sunlamp, model D/UV-F, provides the special UVB rays that will generate Vitamin D naturally in your body. This Vitamin D Lamp is the only FDA recognized ultraviolet product for Vitamin D production in the human body, and independent studies have verified it’s effectiveness. The portable Vitamin D Lamp is easy-to-use and a convenient way to get Vitamin D quickly and naturally. UV light when used appropriately can have significant health benefit.
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Iris Software: Working on LCD computer screens is sure fire way to become blue light toxic, not to mention the health effects of flicker. IRIS is a program to remove these harmful effects from computer monitors and is one of the best ways to make your computer safer to use. If you can't abandon screentime all together, this is worth the purchase to reduce your health risks. This is hands down the best app out there.
ENV RD-10: This is a great compact EMF meter that packs a lot of features for such a small size and low price. It is a 3-mode meter with Radiofrequency range from 0.1-8Ghz (that is in the newer technology spectrum), low frequency magnetic fields from 50Hz-10KHz (the ones that come from the power grid) and low frequency electric fields (50Hz-50KHz). Besides being simple to use it has a rechargable battery and connection to your PC, Mac, or even Android phones for even more geeky features. This is the perfect way to start "seeing" the electromagnetic fields that may be suppressing your melatonin and ruining your sleep. Start by checking the bedroom where you sleep. Do you know what fields your head may be exposed to all night long?
Manta Sleep Mask: Simply a great sleep mask. Adjustable eyecups make it mold perfectly to your face to block the light, while you avoid any pressure on your eyes. This is made of a soft, breatheable material. It is great for both home use and travel. Experience sleep with true 100% BLACKOUT sleep mask.
UVEX Astro: Basic entry level blue blocking glasses. Block blue light frequencies for night time usage. Great for placing over prescription glasses. The low cost makes this a very inexpensive way to start increasing your Melatonin naturally, whether you wear glasses or not. WARNING: These are not fashion friendly
UVEX Ultra-spec: Basic entry level blue blocking glasses. Block blue light frequencies for night time usage. These are slightly bulkier, but useful for placing over prescription glasses. The low cost makes this a very inexpensive way to start increasing your Melatonin naturally, whether you wear glasses or not. WARNING: These are not fashion friendly
UVEX Skyper: Basic entry level blue blocking glasses. Block blue light frequencies for night time usage. WARNING: These are only slightly more fashionable then the Ultra-spec's and may not warrant the increased cost, but make a really cool accessory to your Halloween costume.
Dewalt Red Safety Glasses: Advanced level blue blocking glasses. On plus side, these block way additional frequencies that have slight improvement in Melatonin production, however, these are hard to work with logistically. They should only be worn indoors before bed after the sun has set, and you should be warned that it may be more difficult to see. For this reason, it is not recommended to be walking around and doing activities with these on.
Sound Therapy Tuning Forks: Harness the vibrations of sound to tune your nervous system. Scientifically proven to increase Nitrous Oxide, an important quantum gas for wellness. Take time to add healthy frequencies back into your body to counter all the artificial ones. Begin tuning yourself using C and G tuning forks.
Drift TV: Watching LCD television screens is another sure fire way to become blue light toxic. Unless you have an android TV box where you can download an app to remove the blue light predominance, you will need to add some hardware that can do it for you. A recommended setting would be to place box in "override" mode at the lowest Kelvin color temperature you can tolerate.
Chilisleep Mattress Pads: The chiliPAD is a sleep system that allows you to cool your body for superior sleep and regeneration. It’s comprised of a hydro-powered mattress pad, thermal regulating control unit(s) and a remote making it perfect for one or two sleepers! Utilizing hydropower (water), this sleep system operates between 55-115°F (13-46°C), helping encourage quality, restorative sleep. There is the standard model and now a newer model (which has bluetooth).
Discount codes: chilipad25, ooler15, or chiliblanket10
Enviroklenz Air Purifier UV Model: The EnviroKlenz® Mobile Air System with UV Light combines Advanced EnviroKlenz technology for toxic and noxious chemical and odor removal with HEPA filtration and ultraviolet germicidal radiation (UVC) to remove airborne particulates and allergens and inhibit the growth of captured microorganisms (such as bacteria, mold, and viruses). You must sleep in a clean environment, and this is one of the best ways to do so.
Magnetico Sleep Pads: While expensive and heavy, these sleep pads are a great way to increase magnetism at night, enhancing your body's regenerative capability. In a world filled with so much non-native EMF frequencies, these pads will help decrease their affect and allow your body to better sense the natural ones that you are designed to use.
USE discount code "QSLEEP15" to save 15% (cap sensitive) on your order!

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