Home OSA Testing Direct To YOU!
Not sure about getting tested for Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Let our patient focused experience change your mind:
Worried about Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA),
but the hassle of testing is getting in your way?...
Wait no longer because
the solution is:
Quantum Sleep Home OSA Testing
The most convenient, rapid, patient focused, contact-less, guaranteed results
Home Sleep Apnea Test sent direct to your home with fast turnover and physician results reviewed with you via Telemedicine.
What are signs and symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea ?
- Loud Snoring
- Reported pauses of breathing during sleep
- Reported gasping for breath during sleep
- Multiple awakenings
- Morning headaches
- Low sex drive
- Tooth grinding
- Irritability
- Exhaustion
- Concentration and memory problems
- High blood pressure
- Depression
- Obesity
- Neck size >17" in Men or >16" in Women

Why Quantum Sleep Home OSA Testing?
We deliver health care with a patient focused approach.
Waiting, complexity, unnecessary risk and poor treatment isn't our thing.

Advanced technology allows sensors that can capture complex data during sleep that is as accurate as the in-laboratory testing for diagnosing Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Rapid turnover time means less waiting in the conventional medical model. Get the test to your door quickly and get the results explained to you just as quickly via Telemedicine.
No hoses, straps or wires on your head, neck or chest means comfort. Our simple, easy to use sensor can be worn during your multi-night sleep testing unlike other obnoxious devices.
"Sleep Apnea Hurts Hearts". The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends an annual OSA screening for all adult patients who have:
H – heart failure
E – elevated blood pressure
A – atrial fibrillation (A-fib)
R – resistant hypertension
T – type 2 diabetes
S – stroke
"Why should I be concerned about having Undiagnosed OSA?"
- 1 in 50 Americans are suffering from OSA and are undiagnosed.
- It is estimated that more than 20 million people in the United States have Sleep Apnea.
- OSA diminishes the quality of life of the person with it as well as the bedpartner of that person.
- Sleep deprivation impairs the normal clearance of toxins from the brain.
- People with OSA have increased risk of stroke and are more likely to get stroke-related brain damage.
- Approximately 40% of obese individuals are affected by OSA.
- An estimated 38,000 people die from OSA related complications.
- OSA complications include increased traffic and workplace accidents, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Stroke, Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, Atrial Fibrillation, Diabetes, Obesity, Eye Disorders, Liver Problems, Impotence, and GERD.

The Quantum Sleep Home OSA Testing Experience:
Say Goodbye To The Waiting Room and Wasted Time
Imagine no twenty minute drive to the doctor office and no thirty minute wait to speak to a doctor to "order a sleep test". After all that, all that has happened was the ordering of the test. Now you wait for the test to be approved by Health Insurance, however long that will take. Then, the batte to try and contact the office to get an update with little hope of finding out exactly when it will be ready. Wouldn't it be nice if the test was just delivered within a week? Enter Quantum Sleep Home Testing!
No Insurance and No Fuss
Why Avoid Using the Insurance that is already paid for?
- Health Insurance approval can take up to 45 days and the process can drag on or just sit on someone's desk
- Health Insurance deductibles mean that you pay for the test out of pocket anyway
- It is unknown how much the insurance may require you to pay for the test until after you have taken it
- Some people are unable to sleep with the contraption on their body or the test doesn't get any results, but ultimately the cost of the test will not be refunded.
- Testing cost doesn't include visits needed to get test and results
Instead, choose an affordable rapid, patient focused, results guaranteed contact-less home test.
Doctor Interpretation and Results Review Included
"Too many people have never had their Sleep Apnea Test results explained."
Not only is the test reviewed by an actual Board Certified Sleep Physician, but you will also actually have time alotted to review the results with this Physician via Telemedicine Results Consultation easily scheduled right online. All of this is done with quick turnaround as the ultimate goal, so the diagnosis doesn't take months and months of waiting in the system.
Patient Focused Approach
The process of diagnosing Sleep Apnea can take months and the system is riddled with many points where the ball can be dropped, leaving the patient helpless. Instead, break free from this restrictive system and utilize a Patient-Focused Approach where the patient comes first. Understanding that a patient that gets stuck waiting forever will lose the motivation to change their health and get lost in the shuffle. We give the patient what they want: getting the test and results back quickly to them. We feel that 7-10 days is the maximum time one should have to wait to get this needed care.
Contact-less experience to avoid exposures
Receive a brand new, disposable Home OSA testing device delivered straight to your home. There is no human contact needed for you to obtain the device, performe the test, or receive the results. In today's times, the testing can be delivered in the safest manner, without unneeded human exposures.
Multi-night Advantage
Since the test requires no hoses, straps or wires on your head, neck or chest, it is easy to tolerate for more than one night. Most people take a sleep test for only one night, which enters question into the validity of the results. Taking a multi-night study allows for a "bad night" or possible user error in device setup to not ruin obtaining any results. More nights also means more data giving the ability for a more comprehensive diagnosis of severity of Sleep Apnea.
Quantum Sleep Home OSA Testing Includes...
(Besides a Great Sleep Testing Experience)

- Purchase the Quantum Sleep Home OSA Test
- Fill out the online paperwork/intake forms
- Receive test device in the mail in 7-10 days (or sooner)
- Download a smartphone app to register the test device
- The app has videos to explain exactly how to administer this simple test (no straps, hoses, or wires)
- Finish the multi-night Home OSA Test
- Schedule the Telemedicine Results Consultation online with quick turnaround.
- Review the results with a Board Certified Sleep Doctor
- Results are guaranteed or your money back
This is the most comfortable,
patient focused, contact-less,
affordable Home OSA Test available.
Results are guaranteed.
There is no better experience for trying to diagnose someone with OSA.
Get A Home OSA Test Right Now!
Avoid exposures and waiting. No hassle pricing with guaranteed test results via Telemedicine.
Health Insurance doesn't pay for this kind of patient focused, attentive service.
Home OSA test
Includes 15 minute Results Consultation

100% Money Back Guarantee
Secure Checkout
Home OSA test
Includes 30 minute Results Consultation

100% Money Back Guarantee
Secure Checkout
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
Is the test hard to administer?
What if I can't fall asleep when taking the test?
What if I mess up taking the test?
Can this diagnose all sleep conditions?
If the test is normal, can I still have OSA?
What do I do if I have OSA?
30 Day Money-Back Test Results Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't get substantial home sleep test results, we will repeat your test for free. If we are unable to get sufficient test results we will completely refund your money.

"I want to make sure everyone can get the Home Sleep Testing experience that they deserve."

"Maybe Some Other Time"
This thought can make a small health problem
much bigger.
Most people will have already waited longer than they should have.
Procrastination will only delay diagnosis. Untreated OSA can lead to increased automobile accidents, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Stroke, Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, Atrial Fibrillation, Diabetes, Obesity, Eye Disorders, Liver Problems, Impotence, and GERD. Waiting until any of these develops is not wise.
This is what Health Insurance should cover... Health Insurance will definitely cover such testing, but that cost may actually be paid in the form of a deductible. What is the cost of preventing further disease? Going through the system with Health Insurance can cause delays of many months.
What is the cost of delaying diagnosis of Sleep Apnea? Undiagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnea can create further disease and symptoms that lead towards poor health outcomes. Stop waiting and get the testing that is needed!
If money isn't spent now on diagnosing the problem, instead, it may end up being spent later in significant healthcare dollars for treating worse diseases, complications, or possibly worse.